WOLF Programs

Exploring the Natural World

Opening Gratitude Circle

Sensory Awareness

Naturalist Studies

Music and Song

Physical Fitness and Games

Bird Language

Plants and Medicines

Courage, Vitality and Balance

Shelter Building

Tracking and Animal Studies

Rites of Passage and Ceremony

Friends and Community

Canoeing and Harvesting

Basket Making

Bow Drill Fire Making

Natural Fashion Fun

Close Connections with Nature


Wilderness : Our Learning Foundation

3 Programs for all ages:

WOLF Pups for ages 5-7
WOLF Kids for ages 8-14
WOLF Teens for ages 14-17

WOLF is a Deep Nature Connection immersion program for children, based on Nature Awareness and Coyote Mentoring, on Salt Spring Island. We have three separate yet connected programs, on different days, in different locations, depending on age.

Our creative mentoring approach honours each child’s unique gifts and passions, encourages self-awareness in learning, supports a sense of belonging in community, and awakens a deep kinship with nature. 

It supports youth to develop heightened awareness, empathy, and ancient earth-based skills so they can navigate the challenges of the modern world with confidence, competence, resilience, and a strong connection to themselves, to others, and to this earth which sustains us.

Adventure and Wonder

“Kids that are educated outside in nature are healthier, happier, and better prepared for the 21st century. What impresses me about the WOLF Kids is that they are so excited about learning. They are curious, and they are so alive. What parent wouldn’t want that for their children? Kids have been educated in the natural world for millennia. It’s only been in the last 200 years that we have stuck them in airless classrooms with no natural stimulus.This was a bad experiment, and it’s time we got back to our human root. I wish I had gone to WOLF.”
Briony Penn – Naturalist, Environmentalist, Author, Teacher, and Geographer

“I have watched many of the kids who have been part of WOLF, and have been bowled over by the maturation of their abilities, and especially the growth in their self-esteem. These kids have taken on incredible challenges, both physical and educational, and have learned how almost limitless their abilities are when matched with determination, knowledge, and a healthy respect for nature. I wish I was still young enough to go to WOLF Kids myself.”
Shylo Zylbergold – School Aid Services

“Time in nature is not leisure time; it's an essential investment in our children's health.” ― Richard Louv

W.O.L.F. stands for Wilderness: Our Learning Foundation, and is an evolving program that was initially founded 19 years ago by a group of nature-connected parents and mentors. 

Our curriculum acknowledges and draws on knowledge from earth-based cultures world-wide, and is based on the art of nature awareness mentoring, “Coyote” teaching, and the 8 Shields model, inspired and developed by Jon Young (founder of the Wilderness Awareness School, the 8 Shields Institute and Living Connection First) and Tom Brown Jr. You can read more here.

WOLF emphasizes Nature as teacher, and offers naturalist and ancestral skills development, ecological knowledge, land stewardship principles, peacemaking, cultural repair practices, peacetending, leadership and community building skills, and awareness practices that inspire and empower students to continue their learning adventure well beyond the program and into the landscape of their lives. Former WOLF students have gone on to become happy and successful nature connection mentors, teachers, coaches, healthcare providers, scientists, therapists, business owners, professional musicians & composers, athletes, carpenters, chefs, fashion designers,  and much more.

WOLF is on the cutting edge of contemporary education, and our Directors travel internationally every year to share this model, as well as offering a local adult Immersion program to train apprentice mentors, who provide additional support for our programs, on top of our already high adult-child ratio.

CLICK HERE to WATCH A TRAILER for a MOVIE ABOUT WOLF that has taken impacted tens of thousands and taken educators by storm in France, Switzerland, Italy and Belgium. Stay tuned for a screening of the movie at the Fritz Cinema on Salt Spring February 3, 2024.

NOTE: We get many requests from educators and other interested individuals to visit the program and regret we can only accommodate these occassionally, to maintain the integrity of the program for the children.


WOLF offers a very high adult to student ratio for individual attention, between 1:5 to 1:7. Mentors are highly trained and specifically chosen to match the age-specific needs of the children, and for teams that offer a rich and diverse complement of skills, personality and empathic mentoring.

The WOLF Program is a nature immersion program where students interact with their natural environment through adventure, challenges, and a lot of FUN!
Each WOLF program (Pups, Kids and Teens) is carefully designed to meet the developmental needs of different ages and includes:

  • Deep Nature Connection and Wilderness Skills

  • Nature Based Mentoring

  • Multi-aged Groups and smaller Peer Groups

  • Sensory Awareness & Integration andIMG_0035 Mindfulness Training

  • Naturalist Skills

  • Survival and Ancient Living Skills, Firemaking, Shelter

  • Wildlife Tracking

  • Bird Language

  • Permaculture and Regenerative Design

  • Forest Ecosystems and Stewardship

  • 15 Core Routines of Nature Connection

  • Ethnobotany and Edible Plants

  • Games and Adventures

  • Music and Storytelling

  • Natural Crafts: Basketry, Cordage, Felting etc

  • Healthy Age-appropriate Challenges, and Rites of Passage

  • Community Building and Cultural Restoration

  • Indigenous Guests and Awareness

  • Peacemaking and Communication

  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Creativity

  • Adventure, Reverance and Wonder

  • Canoeing, Beach and Water Activities

  • Field Trips

  • Overnight Camp-outs and End-of-Year Trip (WOLF Kids only)

  • Skilled Guest Mentors

  • Family Potlucks/involvement, Parent Education and Community Events

  • Backing of directors with over 30 years of experience with children and homelearning families, and their needs

A core principal of the program focuses on experience in wild nature, as it has always been fundamental to the education of young developing human beings, and is the basis on which the human brain evolved. We use the understanding of brain patterning and development to create activities that lead to an ecological integrity, which answers the call for affirmation and maximization of the potential of our children, and allows the youth to develop and mature fully the way that nature intended. Their classroom is the forest, ocean, fields, streams, mountains, and the community. Their teachers are the birds, otters, shifting winds, their hands and bodies, and the people who make up our community.

This full immersion program, utilizes both scientific and experiential nature-based studies. Through hands-on outdoor and community-building experiences, students develop an ingrained knowledge and awareness of the natural world and their place in it. They become eager and quick learners, the stewards and unshakable voices of our environment and a connection-based culture, in whatever they choose to do for the future.


All WOLF programs start in Sept and run through June, with a 6-week break for mid-Dec through January, and a 2 week Spring break. Students register and commit for the full year. This is not a drop-in program.

WOLF Pups (ages 5-7) is a 2-day per week program (9:30am – 2:30pm, Mon-Tues) in the south end of Salt Spring. It is designed specifically to meet the unique needs of our youngest students in a smaller group setting with caring mentors, to introduce children to nature connection immersion in a fun and inspiring way. 

Parents may choose to also register for an optional Distributed Learning program such as GO64, Heartwood, SelfDesign etc, if they wish (we do not directly organize or provide this Ministry funded program, rather we work in association and communication with them and accept funding through them for individual children’s tuition).

WOLF Kids (ages 8-14) is a 3-day per week program (9am-3pm, Mon-Wed), in the south end of Salt Spring, full of learning and adventure, deep nature connection mentoring, rites of passage and community support. 

Parents may choose to also register for an optional Distributed Learning program on Thursdays offered by Heartwood or GO64 (we do not directly organize or provide this Ministry funded program, rather we work in association and communication with them and accept funding through them for individual children’s tuition). Some parents also choose Self Design, or Island Discovery, or their own homeschooling options.

WOLF Teens (ages 14-17) offers the option of a 3-day per week program (9am-3pm, Mon-Tues with WOLF Kids, Wed with Teens) or a 1-day per week option (9am-3pm, Wednesdays only), in various locations, usually in the South end of Salt Spring.

Teens may choose to attend Heartwood, GO64 or do online highschool through the local school district, SelfDesign, or other programs, or learn on their own terms.

We believe that WOLF is an ideal foundational education and prepares children well to approach whatever they would like to do in life by stimulating natural learning passions through the mentoring approach.

This approach supports children in learning *HOW* to learn. Through an understanding of brain patterning and development, we help children mature in a healthy way and develop important qualities that will serve them for a life-time, no matter what they choose to do in life. Older and “graduating” WOLF Kids have successfully entered the regular school and highschool system and have gone on to university, college and apprenticeships, or continued with self-directed learning. We also have exciting programs for teens and adults.

While youth will gain many skills at WOLF that even many adults do not have, the most important metrics for success that we strive for are not only what they learn to DO, but who they BECOME.

We are committed to this mentoring model because it has a PROVEN TRACK RECORD for developing:

Confidence – Competence – Inquisitive Focus and Curiosity – Creativity – Inner Stillness/Quiet Mind

Happiness – Health and Vitality – Common Sense – Respect

Caring and Tending – Gratitude – Commitment and Dedication

 Helpfulness and Service to Community – Communication Skills – Collaboration – Caring Leadership  

Resilience – Adaptability – Kindness, Empathy and Compassion

These are the qualities our children and the world need most in modern times.

WOLF Mentors: All WOLF mentors have years of in-depth post-secondary training and extensive experience in this mentoring model. They are committed to life-long learning, continue to seek mentoring themselves, and meet together both daily and weekly to plan and discuss how they can best support the youth. 

Read more About Us and our Mentor Bios here (still updating for Sept 2024)

Our adult-child ratio is very high, usually between 1:5 and 1:7, allowing for in-depth mentoring, individual support and care for each student, and small groups within the larger group. We strive for a balance of genders, ages, skillsets and personalities on our mentor team. Mentors also have wilderness First Aid certification, as well as Criminal Record Checks. The program is frequently enriched by guest mentors as well, and we try to provide interactions between the ages and generations through integration with other Wisdom of the Earth programs. Mentors are supported by the Directors of Wisdom of the Earth, and are offered regular opportunities for mentoring and to support their own learning.

WOLF Community:
The Community  that surrounds the WOLF program and youth is uniquely special, even within the already strong community of Salt Spring Island. As well as participation from parents, which is always welcome, Wisdom of the Earth has developed, over many years, a warm community of caring aunties and uncles, healthy teen role models, and inspiring elders, who are there to support the youth at special events such as overnight rites of passage and ceremonies, as well as providing the possibility of building personal relationships to support the child and family. 

Parent education is also important to us and we provide regular opportunities for connection, community and learning. We highly value the attachment relationship between parents and children, and see our mentors and greater community as an extension of and support for that primary relationship. Because it truly does take a village.

Wisdom of the Earth has inspired the new WOLF Kids Victoria program which began recently at Thriving Roots in Victoria, and we’re excited to continue to nurture this relationship through field trips, events and more.

Location and Facilities:

Our WOLF Pups program for ages 5-7 has it’s home base in the south end of Salt Spring Island, with access to hundreds of acres of forest, mossy knolls, a stream, and proximity to the ocean. While the program is outdoors year-round, we have a beautiful cosy central fire shelter for year-round warmth, and other infrastructure to support the program.


WOLF Kids for ages 8-14 meets in the south end of Salt Spring Island on a beautiful acreage with a large diversity of natural enviroment and beauty, and stunning ocean views. While the program is outdoors year-round, we have use of a beautiful central fire shelter, and sheltered cubbies. We frequently have field trips to various areas of Salt Spring, have two 10-person canoes and smaller water craft, and our end-of-year off-island camping trip is one of several highlights of the year, along with a shelter overnight and fire sit rite of passage.


The Wednesday portion of WOLF Teens is based in the south end of Salt Spring, though it may move about based on the various themes and projects that the youth are exploring. Ocassionally, Teens will spend the day with the WOLF Kids or the adult Immersion program as well.


WOLF is a nature-connection alternative program for children.  While meaningful, life-long competencies are developed, and academic subjects which meet the BC curriculum may be indirectly or even directly touched on, WOLF is an independent program.  Academics are not our focus and parents remain responsible for any formal academic education they wish to provide for their children.  Most WOLF Kids are registered with a school board program as Distributed Learning students, where families are provided with funding and home learning support, including a potential one day per week academic-oriented program with a Ministry teacher. (This is optional.) Wisdom of the Earth can accept funding from these programs towards tuition payment, and works in relationship and mutual communication with the various Ministry programs, to support WOLF families.

WOLF Kids have gone on to excel in many areas–our oldest alumni are now over 30!

Tuition for 2025-26:

All WOLF programs offer a self-selecting sliding scale as we understand that different families have different needs.

Ministry of Education funding from distributed homelearning programs can cover part of tuition amounts (it usually covers $600 depending on the program, although some families receive more if children have special needs).

TUITION INCLUDES: All programming, field trips (except end-of-year camping trip), all crafts, materials and supplies, and food supplies for special projects and events.

WOLF Pups : Sliding scale start from $3850 annually, with a $550 deposit included, plus GST. Monthly payment plans are available.

WOLF Kids : Sliding scale from $5720 annually, with a $550 deposit included, plus GST. Various installment payment plans are available.

WOLF Teens : Sliding scale from $2680 (Wed only) annually, with a $550 deposit included, plus GST. Installment payment plans are available.

Scholarships: Limited scholarships funds are available by application only. While we do our best, we cannot guarantee a scholarship to everyone who applies. Please only apply if you would not be able to attend WOLF without it. Please fill out the WOLF application form FIRST and wait for confirmation that a space is available, before applying for a scholarship.

Indigenous students, who are accepted into the program, will automatically receive a partial scholarship, *independent* of need, in the spirit of reconciliation and reparation. Please contact Ingrid directly at ingrid@wisdomoftheearth.ca .

Nature. Nurture. Community.

Testimonials from WOLF Kids

“Here are some of the things that make me love WOLF so much.

A few qualities I love about WOLF:
I feel that I am included and that my presence is enjoyed and valued. I also enjoy everyone who comes to WOLF; they all fit in as a part of the “WOLF puzzle”. I love that I can be myself and that everyone else can too. 
I love that the mentors join in and participate in all the fun and crazy activities that we do. They really make what makes WOLF, WOLF. It seems as though they are always planning something exciting and surprising (in a really good way!).

Something that is very strong in WOLF is the community. When we have gatherings or potlucks, everyone is happy to see each other and we all have fun playing games, singing and sharing our gratitude. I really appreciate that. I love that I get to spend my day outdoors; that I get to learn awesome skills like tracking, bird language and learning to be aware, is pretty great!

Some things I really enjoy doing at WOLF:
I really enjoy doing bow drill which is making a fire using friction and heat. The feeling that comes when you have made a fire from a primitive bow drill kit is really amazing!  
 Another is singing as a group—it makes me feel more and more grateful for every person who is contributing to making the song come alive and full. Sometimes we just feel like singing to the trees or the sky or to each other.
I love that we as a group can be running around playing a game and being our craziest selves in one moment, and then be absolutely still and aware of every little thing around us in the next moment.  Another thing I really enjoy is when we all come together and do something with team effort; everybody wants to help out.  One time we had to stack up all this fire wood, so we did it WOLF style: we split into two teams and raced to see how we could get our stack of fire wood the straightest and highest.

One thing I have learned from WOLF about myself:
I feel that I have a great ability to sit still and quiet minded for a long time, from years of doing sit spot and practicing being in all my senses. I am really proud of this in myself.”

~Isabela, WOLF Kid for 5 years

“I love the way the mentors teach us at WOLF; they include a whole whack of interesting things into one activity and you can learn so much from it. There so many things that I have done and have enjoyed doing, like building fires (without matches), building shelters, journalling, listening to stories, exploring the land. I love that it is all somehow connected to Nature and is really fun to do.

One of my highlights through all the years I’ve been in WOLF is all the singing we do; it’s one thing I always look forward to on WOLF days. I am also really impressed with the strong community that is built through the program; all my friends and mentors are like family to me!  I remember in the beginning when I came, I didn’t know which song came from which bird, I didn’t know if it was alarming or if it was happy. Now I am so aware of all the birds and how they share their emotions to each other. It is amazing to experience this.

I also remember when it was really hard for me to push myself sometimes into doing something I didn’t really want to do. Most of the time, I could do it, but sometimes I just have this feeling it is too much, for example swimming in the cold ocean. I still remember the time when I was scared to my wits to cross a log that was over a pond, blindfolded. I was encouraged by my friends to just try it. I wasn’t forced to do it—I was really grateful for that—and when I tried it, I did it!

I am really thankful that I can choose my own challenges at WOLF. I think it’s important to know what is a challenge for yourself, and not have someone else choosing it for you. It’s really great to see the younger kids looking up to the older kids.  When I first came, the older kids made me feel like I was at home, and now I feel like it’s one of my responsibilities to do that, now that I am older.

I enjoy all the fun extra events that happen: sleep outs, fire sits, scout games, ancestor feast—they are all really fun! 
I really love being at WOLF. When I am around the people there, I feel comfortable expressing my true self, not being judged be anyone, and also knowing that the group is like me, liking to be outside, being able to goof around and be fun to be with, but also learning a lot of things; that is really special for me.”    

~ Anju, WOLF Kid for 5 years

Photography Credits: Katrina Rain, Dwane Roberge, Sydney Woodward, Vanya Laporte, Celeste Morris, Ingrid Bauer, Ayden Catry-Bauer, Charles Purvis Photography